For me the beauty of pregnancy was not having my period which I term the red
visitor. Over a year without my period was sheer bliss, however this was shortlived as the dreaded day arrived when the red visitor paid me an unwanted visit 6 months exactly after childbirth. With the way my son ate, I thought it would be at least up to a year before it returns but I was mistaken. It was heavier than my normal period and lasted up to a week.
The red visitor did herald it's arrival as I was experiencing dull like cramps(the cramps intensified as my period approached)that spread from my lower abdomen to my back for almost 2 weeks before it came, I didn't want to believe that it could be the red visitor giving me advance notice of it's arrival rather I put it on working too hard, ,lifting heavy items and not getting enough rest. I sure wasn't happy to receive my red visitor but it's part of being woman, what can I say? Hmmmmmmm!
what are the facts about your first period after childbirth and when should you worry about unusual signs?
1.TIMING:mothers who don't breastfeeed their baby are more likely to get their periods before mothers who do, ranging from 5 weeks to 6 weeks early. Mothers who breastfeed exclusively can experience delay depending on the babies feeding pattern.
2. That you breastfeed exclusively is no guarantee that your period would not return early. It depends to a large degree on your baby's feeding pattern. If he feeds both day n night,your period is most likely to delay but if your baby sleeps through the night or feeding pattern changes as a result of introducing solids or he becomes a fussy eater, then it could come earlier than expected
3.your first period could be light or very heavy with painful or mild cramps.
4. While your milk supply may drop with the arrival of your period, ,this does not mean you should stop breastfeeding rather you can take steps to boost your milk supply.
5. According to"You may become fertile again soon after pregnancy.After pregnancy, it is important to remember that you can still be fertile (able to get pregnant) even though your periods have not yet returned. This is because a woman ovulates (releases an egg) about two weeks before she has her period.This means that you may become fertile again before you realise it. If you do not want to become pregnant again, it is essential that you use contraception when you have sex, whether your periods have returned or not. Speak to your GP, health visitor or midwife for advice"
6. If you're still breastfeeding, your periods may be irregular, maybe once in 2 moths or once in 6 months or longer, it varies from one woman to another. However if you've stopped breastfeeding and this occurs, consult your doctor.
WHEN TO WORRY provides warning signs to look out for;
1. Large blood clots.
2. Excessive bleeding.
3. Extreme pain.
4. If discharge produces foul smell.
The above are signs of a serious infection, so check with your doctor to ensure nothing is wrong.
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