For me the beauty of pregnancy was not having my period which I term the red visitor. Over a year without my period was sheer bliss, however this was shortlived as the dreaded day arrived when the red visitor paid me an unwanted visit 6 months exactly after childbirth. With the way my son ate, I thought it would be at least up to a year before it returns but I was mistaken. It was heavier than my normal period and lasted up to a week. The red visitor did herald it's arrival as I was experiencing dull like cramps(the cramps intensified as my period approached)that spread from my lower abdomen to my back for almost 2 weeks before it came, I didn't want to believe that it could be the red visitor giving me advance notice of it's arrival rather I put it on working too hard, ,lifting heavy items and not getting enough rest. I sure wasn't happy to receive my red visitor but it's part of being woman, what can I say? Hmmmmmmm! what are the facts about your first p...