A s a result of hyperlactating I was faced with the issue of foremilk and hindmilk imbalance (see post on the ABC of your baby's poop to see explanation on foremilk and hind milk imbalance) consequently my baby filled up on the foremilk which is high in lactose and this made him very gassy and fussy.when my breasts filled, I just kept feeding my baby in ignorance and the more he eats, the fussier he became and he showed colic like symptoms.As a concerned mum, I met a pediatrician and he simply dismissed it as colic and that there's nothing I can do till he outgrows it. I wasn't satisfied with his diagnosis so I took to researching his symptoms online,different diagnosis popped up that made me assume the worst so I simply narrowed down and refined my search and good enough i came across the experiences of other mothers who faced the same situation I faced and coupled with further research, I realised he was fussy because of gas caused by my hyperlactating. ...