How to keep your home clean without a housemaid
It's that time of the year again when you may find yourself asking the dreaded question "Would my housemaid come back? If she doesn't come back, should I hire a new maid? if I don't, how would I keep my home clean and tidy?........ Take comfort however in knowing that you're not alone. Many employers face this dilemma usually at this time of the year. This brings me now to ask, on a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that your maid will return after the holiday break? If your answer is between 8 and 10, your housemaid will most likely return; if the opposite is true, your maid will most likely not return but don't worry, I'm writing this post to help you cope and keep your home clean with the absence of a housemaid. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the thought of keeping your home clean and organized, especially if you don't have a housemaid to help with house chores but have no worries, there are ways to keep your home clean and organized wi...