As a first time mother, I was quite frightened when i saw my baby's first poop which was greenish black.This is referred to as meconium,your baby's first poop is this colour as a result of the amniotic fluid and all he's ingested in his mother's womb.My little one's poop gradually changed to a yellowish and seedy poop, there were times when it turned green too.O the shades of my baby's poop! So what is the colour of your baby's poop and what do they mean?Though talking about poop may seem like a messy business, it's important mothers pay attention to their baby's poop so they would know when to panic and when not to when they see the changing texture and colour of their baby's follow me as I decode the colour and texture of a baby's poop. GREEN BLACK:This is the colour of your baby's first poop, otherwise known as meconium.this is made up of mucus and amniotic fluid and everything your baby took in while in your womb. ...